continental breakfasts

美 [ˌkɑːntɪˈnentl ˈbrekfəsts]英 [ˌkɒntɪˈnentl ˈbrekfəsts]
  • n.欧陆式早餐,简易早餐(通常包括咖啡和黄油果酱圆面包)
  • continental breakfast的复数
continental breakfastscontinental breakfasts

continental breakfasts


  • 1
    N-COUNT 欧陆式早餐;简易早餐
    A continental breakfast is breakfast that consists of food such as bread, butter, jam, and a hot drink. There is no cooked food.

  1. In upmarket restaurants or hotels , however , standard English and Continental breakfasts are served .
